Want to build great physique ? | Bigginer knowledg for fitness

Want to build great physic? | Bigginer knowledge for fitness

How can I build my Body?

Most people go and just train without having basic Knowledge so hear we are, we have given overview fitness.

Most of the time people don't start serious training due to these reasons.

1. Cost of being fit - It is a former that if you want to be fit then you have to spend lots of money they say that without supplements you can't make physic that is totally wrong.

2. Aesthetics over health - Most people think fitness means steroids they think fitness means aesthetics which is not true fitness means being healthy and maintaining it. and steroids, most people who focus on long term fitness they don't take steroids.

3. Lack of knowledge - Most people think that if I will go to the gym they will give me the wrong knowledge which makes seance in some places but not everywhere.

So, let's start the basics of fitness.

1. Don't spend Excess Money on fitness :

You don't have to spend so much money on fitness. If you really think that you are wrong. you just have to work consistently. and you will have the result you want.

2. Your goal should be athletic physique :

You should not focus on having 24 inches arms but you should focus on having riped and fully moveable arm. So, You just have to focus on the athletic physique

Basic No.1 - Training

There are two types of exercise The First one is the cardio and the second one is resistance training.
1. Cardio training is like Running, Swimming, Jumping, Sports, Dance.
2. Resistance training is like piking up weight, Doing pushups or pullups, Yoga means exercises that strain your body. and the work is done now at night your body recovers that tiers and prepares itself to pick more weight tomorrow and this prosses is called hypertrophy which means increasing the size of your muscles.

So, Here is the answer to your question that How can I make physic so you have to do resistance training.
So, how will you do resistance training we have so many blogs of workouts you can check them. or you can do calisthenics or yoga.

So, now the question comes how much resistance training I should do?
 Look If you want to be a bulky bodybuilder you have to do lots of resistance training. But you don't want to be right so just strain your body a little bit more then it's capacity.

And if you still think to be like a bodybuilder you have to take supplements and steroids,
and there are so many side effects of steroids like,

So, think you want to be a sort time bodybuilder or a long term fitness lover who trains in his 40s or 50s also means you want to maintain fitness for a long time.
So, for normal guy remember this combine 3-4 Days of resistance training with 1-2 days of cardio.

Baisic No.2 The baisics of diet

Now here comes the hard part so many people say that I can't follow the diet.
You don't have to follow a strict diet.
Just learn about food micro-groups, there are three types of food,
1. Protein (Main for you)- Nuts, Tofu, Paneer, Eggs, Meat, Chicken, Fish
2. Carbohydrates - Brown breed and rice
3. Fat - Oil, Butter, Nuts have little bit protein also

Now, remember this if you are taking meals three times a day then every time you have to take protein.
Now in carbohydrates, The first one is simple carbohydrates which include White Flour and White Rice which you should avoid. You can take complex carbohydrates like brown rice or oats and others.

Basic No.3 - Know your fitness goal

Think about it you want to gain weight or loos fat
If you want to gain weight you should take some carbs and protein not more and if you want to loos fat then stop taking fat and decrees a little bit amount of carbs and protein.
If you want to gain or lose weight you have to do Resistance training.
and now those who want to lose weight do 2 days of cardio. Those who want to gain weight should do one day of cardio.

Now a little bit overall on diet you should eat vegetables and fruits and avoid processed sugar and packaged food.