Top 10 full back exercises to build big back

back exercises

Back exercises are very important.
The only thing most people focus on is what they can see and what they can't see they don't focus.
And that makes sense in most of the parts and that is truth.
 But, You should and you must focus on your back because your back can make very big changes on your looks because it has so many gains.

Why is Back training important?

Your back is not only important for your looks but also your back supports your Spain. So, it is important to train it properly if you don't you will have a problem in your spine and shoulders.
So, please focus on your back also.
You should be working out your back just as hard as your front, and dedicating just as much time and effort to the things you can't always see.
Your back can also increase strength and feels good.

Are you still just thinking about front then your back training will make your torso v-shaped which looks significant.
So, starts your training.

In this blog, we will be sharing with you top 10 back exercises which will help you and in last we will be sharing with you a superset type workout.

So, let's get started,

Exercises no. 1 Deadlifts

Top 10 full back exercises to build big back
Starting with lower back training, Deadlifts are the most famous lower back exercises, and also it not only trains your lower back but it trains your legs, upper back, shoulders, and forearms.

DO THIS: Load a barbell and roll it against your shins. Bend at your hips and knees and grab the bar with an overhand grip, your hands just beyond shoulder width. Keeping your lower back naturally arched, pull your torso up and thrust your hips forward as you stand up with the barbell. Lower the bar to the floor and repeat.

Exercises No. 2 superman's

Top 10 full back exercises to build big back
Those who think deadlifts are not safe for their back then they can do this superman's most of the martial artists who don't prefer weight training they usually do supermans with isometrics to train their back.
DO THIS: Lay face down on a mat or flat surface, with arms outstretched. Keep your hands and arms straight throughout the exercise. Raise your hand and legs 4-5 inches off the ground. Hold for 5 seconds, then return to starting position.

Exercise 3. one arm bent over dumbbell row
Top 10 full back exercises to build big back
After finishing lower back lets go onto the upper back. and the first part of upper back training is rowing and the first one is one arm bent over dumbbell row this targets most of the parts in your back. with that, this also works both shoulders and your triceps also.
DO THIS: You need a bench or a sturdy thigh-high platform to lean on when doing the exercise, so secure that first and place a dumbbell on the floor to one side of it. Put your left leg on the bench and grab the far side with your left hand, then bend over so your upper body is parallel with the ground. Reach down and pick up the dumbbell in your right hand with a neutral grip (palm facing you), then hold it with your arm extended, keeping your back straight. Bring the dumbbell up to your chest, concentrating on lifting it with your back and shoulder muscles rather than your arms. Keep your chest still as you lift. At the top of the movement, squeeze your shoulder and back muscles. Lower the dumbbell slowly until your arm is fully extended again. Do all your reps on one arm before switching to the other side.

Exercise 4: Barbell rows
Top 10 full back exercises to build big back

Rowing is that exercise which trains you to do the pull-ups. So, if you also can't do pull-ups then you should also do pullups.
DO THIS: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and the barbell positioned over your feet. Bend down and grasp the bar with a shoulder-width overhand grip. Assume a deadlift position with your back flat and shoulders pulled down and back. With your arms straight, deadlift the bar up so the plates are about an inch above the ground.Keeping your core tight and back flat, pull your shoulders back to initiate the row and drive your elbows back. The bar should touch or almost touch your body under your chest. It's OK to use a slight rock to initiate the movement (more on this later). Lower the bar with control until your arm is straight and return to the starting position. Continue to keep your core tight and back flat.
Exercise 5: Cable rows
Top 10 full back exercises to build big back
This exercise is also targeting the same parts like one arm bent over rows. and this is also targeting your legs. so this is very good for exercising.
DO THIS: Pull the handle and weight back toward the lower abdomen while trying not to use the momentum of the row too much by moving the torso backward with the arms. Target the middle to upper back by keeping your back straight and squeezing your shoulder blades together as you row, chest out. Return the handle forward under tension to full stretch, remembering to keep that back straight even though flexed at the hips. Repeat the exercise for the desired number of repetitions.

Exercise 6: stiff arm pulldown 
Top 10 full back exercises to build big back
This exercise is one of the forgotten exercises because most of the people know this exercise but they don't do these exercises but this is so good for our back so we all have to do this.
DO THIS :  Attach a rope handle to the high pulley of a cable station. Grasp an end in each hand and face the cable station.Draw your shoulder blades back together and down, as if you were trying to stuff them into your back pockets. Think: “proud chest.Draw your ribs down, tuck your tailbone under, and brace your core. Your torso should feel like one tight, solid column. Bend your hips back until your torso is at a 30–45-degree angle. Step back from the station a bit so that you feel the tension on the cable and your arms are fully extended overhead. You should feel a stretch on your lats (the muscles along the sides of your back). Set your feet at shoulder width. Slowly drive your arms down to your sides in an arcing motion with elbows locked out, so your hands end up in line with your hips, or just behind them. Reverse the motion slowly to extend your arms again.

Exercise 7 : Pull-ups
Top 10 full back exercises to build big back
Back training will always be empty without pull-ups pull ups targets the biggest muscles in our back.they are phenomenal exercises.
DO THIS: Lean forward with a flat back, raise your arms out straight in front of you, with your head between your biceps. With your hands still facing the floor, slowly pull the band down towards your shoulders until your hands are by your ears. Pause for a couple seconds, and then slowly extend your arms back out straight.

Exercise 8 : let pulldowns
Top 10 full back exercises to build big back
Those who are bored with pull-ups and want to add more tension this is good for them. This exercise targets the same muscles as pull-ups.
DO THIS: Pull the bar down until it's approximately level with the chin. Exhale on down motion. While shifting just slightly backward is OK, aim to keep your upper torso stationary. Keep your feet flat on the floor and engage your abs as you pull. The bottom of the motion should be where your elbows can't move downward any more without moving backward. Be sure to stop at that point and do not go lower.Squeeze the shoulder blades together while maintaining square shoulders.From the bottom position with the bar close to your chin, slowly return the bar to the starting position while controlling its gradual ascent. Don't let it crash into the weight plates.

Exercise 9 : V-bar pulldown
Top 10 full back exercises to build big back
V-bar pulldown this exercise  is the variation of lat pulldown. so, this also targets same muscles of lat pulldown.
DO THIS: Attach a V-bar to the lat pulldown machine and assume a seated position.Grasp the handle with a neutral grip and initiate the movement by depressing the shoulder blades and then flexing the elbow while extending the shoulder.Pull the handle towards your body until the elbows are in line with your torso and then slowly lower the handle back to the starting position under control.
Exercise 10. shrug
Top 10 full back exercises to build big back
This exercise is not really for the back but this for color mussels but color mussels gives the perfect look to the back.
DO THIS : Hold dumbbells on your hands. pull them upwards without using elbow just pull your shoulders.

We hope you liked our selection please comment down below what do you think about it.

Back workout

Now, it's time for the Back workout.